Maintenance Errors (3-4)
  promulgator:wache addTime:9/29/2011 read:4810times

Why produce exactly but get opposite result in car maintenance? You may get the answers from below information.
Error 3: The more engine oil, the better for engine.
Answer: No. When engine oil is not enough, engine may be damaged due to too much friction. However, engine may not work stable as well if too much engine oil. Thus, correct way is engine oil should be strictly controlled according to the max and min level position in staff.
Error 4: Pop the clutch first and then brake to avoid car flameout.Answer: No. Actually once pop the clutch, the engine speed will decrease to idle speed soon, the auxiliary function of Vacuum booster will be reduced, and brake distance will be longer. Thus, the correct way is brake first and then pop the clutch when car almost stopped.

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